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General programmes with attendance 1 or 2 lessons per week

or Intensive programmes with daily attendance.

Individual courses (one-to-one) can be design to suit student's personal schedule and can begin any time. Programs can be customized to meet specific learning needs. The average attendance of our regular programmes is 2 lessons a week.
We provide a wide choice of programmes ranging from one month to one year.
This type of course is also suitable for those who need to learn Italian for professional or specific purposes.
We also provide individual preparation courses for Italian language exams for those who need an Italian Language Certificate: Plida (from Società Dante Alighieri).

Here are some of our most popular programmes:

Enrollment and book Euro 70,00

Module of 12 units

Length: 4 weeks
Attendance: 2 lessons a week
N. of lessons: 8 (75 minutes each)

Cost of 12 units: Euro 366,00 + V.A.T = Euro 447,00
Module of 24 units

Length: 8 weeks
Attendance: 2 lessons a week

N. of lessons: 16 (75 minutes each)​

Cost of 24 units: Euro 720,00 + V.A.T.= 878,00

We also provide programmes for those who need student VISA.

For more information please contact us at: or Tel. +39031575059


ItalianSchool (the Italian Dpt. of Oxford Como) offers programs of Italian for Foreigners to students from all over the world. With long experience in teaching one-to-one adult courses, ItalianSchool can make participants communicatively competent in a short span of time. Personal assistance and tourist information are also provided in a professional and friendly environment.

The program is centred in the city of Como, just a half-hour drive from the cosmopolitan city of Milan. Como has long been famous for the beauty of its lake and terrain. The climate in Como is mild in the spring and warm in the summer allowing for the growth of Mediterranean vegetation that decorates the beautiful gardens and villas. The breezy lake provides plenty of opportunities for a variety of nautical activities.The city of Como is a great location to tour Italy or even Europe; in the same night you can enjoy a dinner in Lugano (Switzerland) and a disco in Milan.

Corsi di italiano per stranieri Como
Corsi di italiano per stranieri Como


Centro accreditato esami Plida (Soc.Dante Alighieri)

Il nostro istituto propone corsi di italiano per stranieri personalizzati ed è Centro autorizzato Esami PLIDA ( - Società Dante Alighieri.


Frutto della nostra esperienza di 26 anni di insegnamento della lingua Italiana agli adulti stranieri, la nostra metodologia di insegnamento è mirata da un lato a fornire le conoscenze linguistiche (grammatica e vocabolario della lingua Italiana) e, allo stesso tempo, a sviluppare le abilità di comprensione ed espressione orale attraverso attività di conversazione. I nostri programmi si adattano alle esigenze ed al livello di ciascun partecipante.

Dopo un colloquio preliminare conoscitivo saranno concordati i tempi e i contenuti del programma e saranno illustrate le attività didattiche finalizzate a raggiungere gli obiettivi desiderati.


Study Italian with a real tutor online in your virtual classroom.
Our video conferencing system has proved to be as effective as a lesson in presence. 

To know more about our plans and prices or to book one free lesson online, contact us at the following email address: or phone number +39031575059


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